The Jasenovac Memorial Park

In rememberance of the victims of the Jasenovac Camps operations during the Serbian Holocaust– Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and any Croatian resident who refused to obide by the vicious Fascist party– Lessons from Jasenovac plans to develop a memorial in which we can honor these victims, as well as spread hope and reassurance that this will never take place again.

Lessons from Jasenovac plans to establish a memorial to those children and families executed and victimized at the Jasenovac Concentration camp during WW II. The memorial and associated reference library will elicite a response from visitors to take a stance against genocide in todays world. Our long term goal with the Jasenovac Memorial Park is to provide a place for personal reflection and restoration for the survivors, families and descendants of the victims of Jasenovac aswell as provide facilities for reference materials and personal stories of those who experienced the horrors of Jasenovac. Our mission is to document and illustrate the experiences of children of all ethnic backgrounds within the Jasenovac camp using sculptures, written and visual resources and physical structures in a way to honor those who perished. The theme will serve as a memorial to the victims, educate visitors and encourage all to spread the words” never again” within their communities.

Jasenovac Memorial Park – St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Cypress, Texas

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