In her speech, Angela Merkel—a leading political figure of Europe for the last decade made the following statements:

angela-merkelIn 2014, there were more than 100 thousand Jews living in Germany.”

She considered this a miracle. She went so far as to saying,

It is a precious gift that fills me with profound gratitude.”

She condemned any and all verbal abuse of Jews.

She also states boldly that she is sending a clear message that Jewish life belongs in our country; it is part of our identity and culture.

Another noteworthy statement by the Chancellor, “It’s especially intolerable when anti-Semantic slogans are drummed into children, who then chant them at demonstrations of this kind.”

As indicated in our mission, it was a catastrophically and atrocious loss of children during World War II, a total of 1.5 million, 20 thousand of them in Jasenovac. This is one of our reasons that propelled forward our mission. It is gratifying to hear from Chancellor Markel the same idea of protecting the children which is our mission; adding information to the website, going to schools, displaying documentation and pictures. Our mission is to address not the academic world, but the civilized world around us at this time in the Unites States by Memorial Parks and our worldwide Website to bring the facts and obvious actions that have to be taken to save our civilized world from the hooligans mislead by the internet and other radical groups whose mission is not peace, but destruction.

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